It rings. One hand still on the driving wheel, you fumble for it while still trying to keep your eyes on the road. All of a sudden it falls into the backseat or is lost among the piles of clutter beneath your chairs. At best, you end up missing an important call. At worst, you end up scratching, fracturing, or soaking your cell phone. In some cases you could even lose it–anyone who has hand their mobile fly out the window suddenly can attest to that.
There are certain preventive measures to keep this تقسيط سامسونج from happening. In many cases, drivers consider a mobile mounting kit for their car. Is this truly the best answer for you? Well, that depends on a variety of things. The advantages of mobile mounting kits are numerous. Along with keeping your phone safe and stationary, they’re also useful should you need to conduct a quick chat on the speaker phone. This means you’ll never have to hold the phone near your ear and drive at the same time ever again! Many come with an additional swivel feature to keep your phone from reflecting the sun’s glare.
Mobile mounting kits are also useful in that should you need to use a GPS feature or view your mp3 playlists, it’s right there in front of you. Depending on what kind of phone you have, you can even play movies for your passengers to enjoy.
That aside, mobile mounting kits are designed to keep your phone snugly in place while still making it easy to retrieve should you need it. It also helps enormously in keeping all of those messy wires and plugins out of the way. Many kits are specially crafted for certain types of phones, such as iPhones or Blackberries. Does your mobile have a skin? There are also a variety of mounting kits that fit phones with accessories.
So what are the disadvantages of mobile mounting kits? For one, if you’re not the do-it-yourself type, installing your mobile mounting kit may be a difficult ordeal. The changes you make to your car’s dashboard and console are also permanent, which means that should you want to sell your car or get rid of your mounting kit for some reason, you’re stuck with the aftermath. On a brighter side, if you wish to replace your mounting kit with a different one or install a mount for your ipod or PDA instead, it’s likely you’ll be able to install it using the same area as before.
The other disadvantage is that, depending on the model, they can be somewhat pricey. If your budget is low, you’re probably better off simply keeping your phone in your purse or briefcase while in the car. Is a mounting kit ideal for your mobile? If you’re on the road a lot, it might be a wise investment. However, if it’s beyond your budget or your expertise to install, you may want to seek alternative ways of keeping your phone out of harm’s way.